Celebrating new milestones: 11 Inspiring Youth Join Norviwo's Life-Changing Program

FOA's First Matriculation: 11 Street Youth Begin a Life-Changing Journey with the Norviwo Program. A New Chapter Begins.

FOA's 2024 Kickoff: Celebrating 11 Brave Souls Joining Norviwo's Life-Changing Journey!

At FOA, we began the year with a heartwarming celebration, honouring 11 young boys and girls who courageously embarked on the transformative path of the Norviwo program. This comprehensive five-year initiative is designed to empower former street children and youth, offering them a chance at a better future.

In our everyday lives, recognition and applause for achievements are common, but for street children, such moments are rare. That's why FOA decided to shine a light on these brave individuals who chose to leave street life behind and embrace a new beginning with Norviwo.

On January 9th, 2024, FOA proudly hosted our inaugural Matriculation ceremony at the Norviwo Community Center. It was a truly momentous occasion dedicated to commemorating the outstanding 2023 cohort of new recruits, marking their entry into the program. The theme of the day was 'Journey of Resilience: Celebrating Triumph and Embracing Futures.'

Our valued partners, dedicated volunteers, and the families of the matriculants graced the gathering, joining us in celebrating the life-changing decision made by these individuals. Together, we honored their courage and determination to create a brighter tomorrow through FOA's programs.

  • I was proud of myself and my fellow residents that we performed well on the matriculation day, and we showed that street children also have talents that should not be overlooked.
    Susana Johnson

The atmosphere on that day was electric with pride. 'I am so happy to see my son begin this program today, and I'm confident that he'll become a great person in the future after his training,' shared one parent.

The highlight of the ceremony was undoubtedly the induction of these former street youth into our program and FOA's extended family. As staff members shared stories of the matriculants' journey so far, it was clear that these young individuals were determined to take control of their lives and pursue their dreams. Their faces beamed with hope, reflecting a newfound sense of possibility—a powerful reminder that lives can indeed change for the better with the right support and opportunities.

The climax of the induction ceremony came as FOA's sash was placed symbolically on the shoulders of each matriculant, dressed in their graduation gowns. Susan Johnson then took the stage to speak on behalf of the matriculants, formally accepting their position in the Norviwo program. Her words were filled with encouragement, urging her friends never to give up and to strive for their fullest potential."

Despite unexpected heavy rains, the event smoothly transitioned from an outdoor setting to a cozy lounge, where our talented kids showcased their dance moves and recitals, proving that their talents are as diverse as their stories. The day ended with a heartfelt vote of thanks, a captivating photo session to capture the memories, and a shared meal with interactive sessions.

Guest feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with one individual even moved to volunteer after sharing his own story of overcoming life on the streets to become a DJ. This inaugural matriculation event was truly amazing, and we're excited to make it an annual tradition after each recruitment cycle.

The resilience, triumphs, and futures embraced by our matriculants are a testament to the transformative power of the FOA program.

January 19th, 2024

  • The day was special for me and I was happy that my parents now believe that I can do something better with my life and I can grow up to become a good person
    Samuel Quartey

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