At Miahaya, we focus on transitioning street residents aged 15 -18 into a comprehensive 1-year program aimed at restoring their physical, emotional, and mental health. We improve the overall well-being of these youth by firstly tracing and reuniting them with families to facilitate reconciliation and mend broken relationships. We then provide therapy to heal from past traumas and essential life skills training.
In years two and three of NTP, we equip our youth with practical job skills to allow them to become fully independent as entrepreneurs or be employed by our partner organisations. With quality hands-on training in hairdressing, carpentry, auto mechanic repairs, fashion design, catering and beadwork, we know street residents stand a better chance of staying off the streets.
At the final stage of NTP, we equip former street residents to find housing, jobs, learn financial literacy, mentorship, and give back to their communities. We enable each resident to attain an internship to gain work experience and serve as a springboard towards launching their careers.